Borra, Seddiki, Angel, Eisenstein, Hickson, Seddon, Worden, 2007,
Deposition of metal films on an ionic liquid as a basis for a lunar telescope
, Nature, 7147, 979
Hickson, Racine, 2007,
Image quality of liquid-mirror telescopes
, PASP, 119, 456
Hickson, Pfrommer, Cabanac, Crotts, Johnson, de Lapparent, Lanzetta, Gromoll, Mulrooney, Sivanadam, Truax, 2007,
The large zenith telescope: a 6-mliquid-mirror telescope
, PASP, 119, 444
Davis, Hickson, Herriot, She, 2006,
Temporal variability of the telluric sodium layer
, Optics Lett, 31, 3369
Hickson, 2006,
Hydrodynamics of liquid mirrors. I. Synchronous disturbances
, Appl Optics, 45, 8052
Angel, Eisenstein, Sivanandam, Worden, Burge, Borra, Gosselin, Seddiki, Hickson, Ma, Fong, Josset, Thibault, Van Susante, 2006,
A lunar lqiuid-mirror telescope for deep-field infrared observations near the lunar pole
, Proc SPIE, 6265, 62651
Herriot, Hickson, Ellerbroek, Andersen, Davidge, Erickson, Powell, Clare, Gilles, Boyer, Smith, Saddlemyer, Veran, 2006,
NFIRAOS: TMT narrow field near infrrared facility adaptive optics system
, Proc SPIE, 6272, 62720
Hickson, Lanzetta, 2004,
Large-Aperture Mirror Array (LAMA) project description
, Proc SPIE, 5382, 115
Hickson, 2002,
Wide-field tracking with zenith-pointing telescope
, MNRAS, 330, 540