CMB Future
The Evolution of the Cosmic Microwave background: Paper, Figures
and Movies
These are higher resolution figures and movies from the paper:
"The Evolution of the Cosmic Microwave Background" by J.P. Zibin, Adam Moss
and Douglas Scott, 2007.
Here is the paper PDF file (750k).
Here are the figures:
- Fig. 1 (ps, 32k)
- Fig. 2 (ps, 28k)
- Fig. 3 (ps, 450k);
lower resolution (ps, 45k)
- Fig. 4 (ps, 17k)
- Fig. 5 (ps, 15k)
- Fig. 6 (ps, 66k)
- Fig. 7 (ps, 30k)
- Fig. 8 (ps, 25k)
- Fig. 9 (ps, 25k)
- Fig. 10 (ps, 16k)
- Fig. 11a (ps, 1.7M);
lower resolution (ps, 252k)
- Fig. 11b (ps, 2.0M);
lower resolution (ps, 192k)
- Fig. 12 (ps, 90k)
Here are the movies:
- Evolving CMB Sky Map (gif, 2.6M;
avi, 1.5M)
- Evolving C_ls (gif, 436k)
- Evolving Temporal Correlation Function
(gif, 453k)
- Evolving Dipole (gif, 763k)
- Rapidly Evolving Dipole!
(gif, 763k)
Please e-mail any comments to
zibin"AT", adammoss"AT" or dscott"AT"
Last revised: 2nd July 2007