Unlike other branches of science, cosmology is unique in that there is only one universe available for study. We cannot tweak one parameter, juggle another, and end up with a different system on which to experiment. We can never know how unique is our universe, for we have no other universe with which to compare. The universe denotes everything that is or ever will be observable, so that we can never hope to glimpse another universe.
Nevertheless, we can imagine other possible universes. One could have a universe containing no galaxies, no stars and no planets. Needless to say, man could not exist in such a universe. The very fact that our species has evolved on the planet Earth sets significant constraints on the possible ways our universe has evolved. Indeed, some cosmologists think that this may be the only way we can ever tackle such questions as why does space have three dimensions, or why does the proton have a mass that is precisely 1836 times larger than the electron? If neither were the case, we certainly would not be here. One can take the argument further: our actual existence requires the universe to have had three space dimensions and the proton mass to be 1836 electron masses. This conclusion is called the anthropic cosmological principle: namely, that the universe must be congenial to the origin and development of intelligent life. Of course, it is not an explanation, and the anthropic principle is devoid of any physical significance. Rather it limits the possibilities. There could be a host of radically different universes that we need not worry about.
It is inevitable that an astronomer studies objects remote in time as well as in space. Light travels a distance of 300,000 kilometers in one second, or ten thousand billion kilometers in a year. The nearest star, Alpha Centauri, is 3 light years from us: we see it as it was three years ago. The nearest galaxy comparable to our own Milky Way is two million light years distance: we are seeing the Andromeda galaxy, a naked eye object in a dark sky, as it was when homo sapiens had not yet evolved. A large telescope is a time-machine that can take us part way to creation, to examine regions from which light emanated more than five billion years ago, before our sun had ever formed. To a cosmologist, the issue of creation is inevitable.
There are three possibilities that one may envisage for the creation of the universe.
A stronger version, the perfect cosmological principle, goes further: the universe appears the same from all points and at all times. In other words, there can have been no evolution: the universe must always have been in the same state, at least as averaged over long times.
Finally, the anthropic cosmological principle argues that the universe must have been constructed so as to have led to the development of intelligence.
We have a contradiction with the trivial observation that apart from the Milky
Way, our own galaxy, the night sky is remarkably dark. Olbers' paradox is not
resolved by allowing for interstellar dust since this absorbs and radiates
energy. Possible resolutions are (A) the universe is young, so stars have only
been shining for about ten billion years, or (B) the universe is of infinite
age but expanding so as to avoid a state of thermodynamic equilibrium.
Expansion ``cools off" the universe, due to the Doppler shift (which reddens
light or reduces the energy of photons that are received from a receding
source). Of course, the universe may be both young and
expanding, but only hypothesis B requires expansion.
One may compare this with radioactive dating technique of old rocks, e.g.
U-238 -> Pb-205 with half-life of 4x10^9 yr. Measured
for different rock and meteorite samples, the present lead isotope abundances
allow an estimate of age. We infer 4.6x10^9 yr for oldest
meteoritic, lunar rocks.
Stellar evolution theory with hydrogen fusion to helium as an energy source
yields the age of globular clusters, the oldest stars in our galaxy. The main
sequence turnoff denotes the duration of the observed era of hydrogen burning,
while the horizontal branch (on the HR diagram) indicates the location of
helium burning stars. The inferred age to fit the observed HR diagram is
10x10^9 yr. The discrepancy between the universal expansion age, on the
one hand, and meteoritic and stellar ages on the other hand, was only removed
in the 1950's, when a more accurate value for H_0 emerged. The best modern
value is H_0=50 km/s Mpc, or 1/H_0=20x10^9 yr.
Key predictions of steady state cosmology were that:
The darkness of the night sky.
Olbers' paradox is "Why is the sky dark at night?".
Olbers (and before him, others) assumed that both the
average space frequency and luminosity of stars (and galaxies) is approximately
constant throughout space and over time. Consider any large shell of matter of
radius r and thickness dr. The light from this shell is
4Pi r^2 dr n L$ where the number of stars per unit volume is
n and the luminosity of a star is L.
So the radiation measured at the centre of the
shell is n L dr,
and does not depend on the radius of the shell. As
we add up the contributions of more and more distant concentric shells (each of
equal thickness), the radiation measured at the centre seems to increase
without limit. This is not quite right, since light from a distant star is
intercepted by an intervening star, but we would expect the sky to be about as
brilliant as the surface of a star. Any line of sight must sooner or later run
into a star. This conclusion applies at any arbitrary point, and hence it
applies everywhere.Steady State Cosmology.
The steady state universe (Bondi, Gold,
Hoyle 1949) postulates matter creation out of vacuum, so that the perfect
cosmological principle is satisfied (density = const). This postulated was
motivated by an apparent time--scale problem. The universe of galaxies was
found to be expanding by Hubble at a velocity V=H_0*R that increased
systematically with galaxy distance R. This means that if there has been no
acceleration or deceleration, all matter must have been piled up at the
beginning of the expansion a time R/V or 1/H_0 ago. H_0 is Hubble's
constant and was found to be H_0= 500 km/s Mpc in Hubble's original work.
This means that 1/H_0= 2 billion yr. is an upper limit on the age of the
The final blow to the steady state theory came with the discovery of the cosmic
microwave background in 1964. This was direct evidence of radiation
originating in a dense hot phase of the universe, as predicted by the Big Bang
theory. It is characterized by a blackbody spectrum appropriate to a blackbody
at 2.75 degrees Kelvin. The intensity of such a cold blackbody peaks at a
wavelength of 1 mm, in the microwave band. To explain such radiation in a
steady state model requires one to postulate the universal presence of
millimeter sized dust grains that would absorb an intense radiation field
produced by many exceptionally luminous galaxies and reradiate it at the
appropriate temperature. This interpretation is so contrived and requires so
many special assumptions that it is generally regarded as being highly
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