What Does CMB Stand For?
CMB experiments are a sufficiently prominent part of modern physics
that their web presence dominates internet searches. Nevertheless, other
uses of this 3-letter acronym also show up, including:
- Call Me Back
- Canadian Mathematics Bulletin
- Capacity Management Branch (of the US IRS)
- Caparo Merchant Bar PLC (steel company)
- Capital Markets Board (Turkey)
- Carbolic Methylene Blue
- Cash Money Boys (band)
- Cash Money Brothers (band)
- Casa da Moeda do Brasil
- Cell and Molecular Biology (e.g. Karolinska Institute, Duke)
- Cellular and Molecular Biology
- Center for Molecular Biomedicine (Jena University)
- Central Maritimes Basin (of Atlantic Canada)
- Central Massachusetts Bandits
- Central Medical Board (of the canadian DCIEM)
- Centrale Medische Bibliotheek (e.g. Groningen)
- Centre for Marine Bio-Innovation (University of NSW)
- Centre for Mathematical Biology (Oxford University)
- Centro Medico Barrashopping (Brazilian hospital)
- Center for Mechanistic Biology and Biotechnology (Argonne NL)
- Chadwick Martin Bailey (management consultants)
- Chase-Manhattan Bank
- Chelsea Market Baskets (purveyors of distictive gift baskets)
- Chemical Mass Balance (model)
- China Merchants Bank
- China Motor Bus (Hong Kong)
- Christian Music Bulletin
- Circus Model Builder
- City of Miama Beach
- Climate Modeling Branch (of EMC/NCEP/NWS/NOAA)
- Coleman Building (Silver Spring, MD)
- College of Management and Business (eg at NLU)
- Coalition of Minnesota Businesses Inc.
- Collection Management Branch (various government agencies)
- Colombo, Katunayake International, Sri Lanka (airport code)
- Color Me Badd (pop group)
- Color me Beautiful (dutch image consultants)
- Columbia College, California (Seismograph Network Station)
- Combat Maneuver Battalion
- Combat Medical Badge (US military)
- Combat Mobility Branch
- Community Mail Bag (Australia Post)
- Compagnie des Machines Bull (computer company)
- Compagnie Maritime Belge
- Compagnie Monegasque de Banque (Monaco)
- Comparative Medicine Branch (of NIEHS)
- Computational Molecular Biology
- Computer Modern Bold (font)
- Concours Mondial de Bruxelles (wine contest)
- Configuration Management Board (Department of the Army)
- Consolidated Materials Brokers (steel mill waste recyclers)
- Contact Memory Button
- Contracts Management Branch (of NINDS)
- Controlled Metal Build Up
- Cooper Medical Buildings Inc. (design and construction company)
- Cooperativa Muratori e Braccianti di Carpi S.r.l. (construction company)
- Core-Mantle Boundary (geology)
- Craftsmanship Magnificence Boldness (yachts)
- Creative Music for Business (internet audio company)
- Credit Mutuel de Bretagne
- Critical Mass Balance
- CMB Systems (computer company)
- CMB Technologies, Inc. (information technology company)
- Some other astronomical
Douglas Scott
Last revised: March 2016